Monday, March 15, 2010

Knot Knowledge

Working on the W boats, I have been learning a ton - from how to work the runners, to how the spinnaker sail functions, and also - how to tie a good KNOT.

One of the most useful knots that I have been taught is the bowline.

But, one of my favorite knots is the turk's head knot. Almost synonymous with Nantucket, this bracelet is also known as sailor's bracelet - for sailors used it in the past to wipe sweat from their forehead after swabbing decks!

I always buy my turk's head from Sconset Market, but you can also figure out a way to do it online thorough Nantucket Knotworks. They also have other fun rope-y things like monkey fist key chains, and flattened out turk's head coasters.

If you want to step it up a knotch, go for the turk's head in GOLD. There are many upscale versions, but this one is an easy impulse purchase. (by Philip Crangi / Giles & Brother)

1 comment:

  1. My boyfriend is never without his NKW sailor's bracelet, its become a bit of a lucky charm!


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